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iRAP partner impact in Europe

The Road Assessment Programme (RAP) was founded by the leading European automobile clubs and safety charities working in partnership with their governments in the UK, Netherlands and Sweden. Since 2002, application of the iRAP methodology and tools has helped to eliminate high-risk roads across the region.*

Latest news from Europe

PHOEBE progress: Advancing road safety for VRUs and active mobility

The EU-funded ‘Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment’ (PHOEBE) Project aims to increase the road safety of vulnerable road users (VRUs), especially those who use active mobility and e-scooters. It is building on the strengths of iRAP’s road safety...

Designing Safe, Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Mobility with ELABORATOR

We're now at the mid-point of the ambitious 3-year ELABORATOR project and are thrilled to share progress on the research and efforts of 38 partners working together in 12 European cities to design urban mobility solutions that are safe, sustainable, and inclusive for...

International Women’s Day: Empowering Women Through Road Safety

Celebrating the women making a difference in road safety As we approach International Women's Day on March 8th, the theme of "For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment" resonates deeply with the work being done in the field of road safety. We take this...

iRAP applauds Ireland’s move to lower speed limits for safer roads

Image credit: Irish Government website iRAP congratulates the Irish Government on the launch of the Slower Speeds, Safer Roads campaign, which will see a reduction in default speed limits on many roads, including a shift from 80km/h to 60km/h on rural roads. This bold...

Catalonia Risk Mapping results released for 23rd year

Image credit: RACC The 23rd annual edition of Risk Mapping of the Catalan road network in Spain shows a 5.7% increase in the risk index compared to last year. The results will inform ongoing targeted investment in road safety, including safety countermeasures for...

Automobile Club of Moldova Celebrates Double Win: Prince Michael and Vision Zero Awards

Image credit:  Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) has secured a remarkable double victory, earning both the Vision Zero for Youth International Leadership Award and the prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Award 2024....

ELABORATOR’s Co-creation playbook empowers cities to create sustainable mobility solutions

Original article and image credits: ELABORATOR Project website The ELABORATOR Project has launched a Co-creation playbook, designed to guide their Living Labs and fellow European cities in implementing inclusive, sustainable, and affordable mobility solutions. ...

PHOEBE Road Risk Workshop – Enhancing Road Safety in the West Midlands

Original article and image credits: Project PHOEBE website Transport for the West Midlands (TfWM) and The Floow recently hosted the PHOEBE Road Risk Workshop, which brought together key road safety stakeholders and served as a showcase of several tools and datasets...

Driving Change in Britain: Investing in Safer Roads

United Kingdom RAP Lead Road Safety Foundation has released Britain's Crash Risk Mapping Results for 2024, tracking the safety performance of Great Britain's motorways and ‘A’ roads.   The assessed roads make up less than 14 per cent of the whole network, but almost...

Invest in Your Expertise: New Training and Accreditation newsletter now available (November 2024)

2024 has been a another pivotal year for iRAP's training and accreditation program. We've continued our commitment to building capacity and empowering professionals worldwide to make roads safer. Key Highlights: Expanded Language Offerings: We've expanded our training...

To see all RAP in Europe News, click here

Strategic projects driving road safety data and innovation

Large-scale transnational projects have helped to inform the safety of Europe’s road network, fostered collaborative partnerships and helped to drive innovation in the iRAP model and tools for regional and global benefit.


Where we work

Download a summary of iRAP partner activity in every Europe country here 

Policies into practice

Many countries are prioritising the safety of their road infrastructure by embedding 3-star or better safety targets in policy, aligned to UN Global Road Safety Performance Targets 3 and 4. A number of European countries have National Road Safety Strategies and Action Plans that include 3-star or better targets for safe road infrastructure.

  • Croatia: 2021-2030 Croatia National Road Safety Plan All new roads and existing roads carrying 75% of traffic to meet 3-star rating for all road users.
  • Greece: 2021-2030 Greek National Road Safety Plan 65% of TEN-T network to be greater than or equal to 3 stars by 2025 and 80% by 2030.
  • United Kingdom: 2022 National Highways Strategic Road Network Star Rating Report 96% of travel on National Highway’s network was on roads rated 3-stars or better in 2020, exceeding targets.
  • Georgia: 2022-2025 Georgia National Road Safety Strategy The systematic compilation of the Risk Mapping and Safety Rating of roads, and proactive assessment and more traditional reactive analysis of high concentration areas (black spots), are effective mechanisms for assessing the quality of road safety and related investments.
  • Slovenia: 2013-2022 Slovenia National Road Safety Strategy In accordance with European Directive 2008/96/ EC, a systematic verification process of road infrastructure security should be applied. As one of the suitable tools, RAP should be implemented.

To view these policies, other global examples and sample infrastructure targets for inclusion, visit

How safe are Europe’s roads and the Business Case for Safer Roads

The iRAP Safety Insights Explorer shines a light on the true scale of road crashes, the safety of the world’s roads, and the positive impact that can be made with investment.


Europe Team

Olivera Rozi

iRAP Safer Journeys Lead for Europe
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Samar Abouraad

iRAP Safer Journeys Specialist for Europe
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European Institute of Road Assessment
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Marko Sevrovic

Senior Road Safety Expert,
European Institute of Road Assessment

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Alenka Volk

Project Financial Support Manager,
European Institute of Road Assessment

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Europe trends – challenges and opportunities

Between 2001 and 2010, the number of road deaths in the EU decreased by 43%, and between 2010 and 2018 by a further  21%. Recent data for 2019-2020 shows a 17% decrease in road deaths. However, in 2020, there were still 42 road deaths per million inhabitants of the EU (Source: ETSC). This is an unacceptable and unnecessary human and social price to pay for mobility. The yearly cost of road crashes in the EU has been estimated in a new study to be around EUR 280 billion, equivalent to about 2% of GDP5. Almost half of road victims are vulnerable road users, 25 % were on two-wheels (14 % motorcyclists, 8 % cyclists and 3 % moped riders) and 21 % were pedestrians. The breakdown of fatalities also shows that 8 % occurred on motorways, 37 % in urban areas and 55 % on rural roads. Road deaths and injuries are predictable and preventable. Head-on fatalities occur on undivided roads. Run-off road fatalities occur where the roadsides are unforgiving. Pedestrian fatalities occur where sidewalks are missing, safe crossing facilities don’t exist or speeds are inappropriate.


EU and Global Alignment

In May 2018, within the context of the third and last ‘mobility package’, the Commission presented a common framework for road safety for the 2021-2030 period, recalling the EU’s long-term goal of moving as close as possible to zero fatalities in road transport by 2050 (‘Vision Zero’).

As part of the third ‘Europe on the Move’ package, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a directive amending Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management, whose general objective is to reduce both fatalities and serious injuries by improving the safety performance of road infrastructure.

UN Member States have agreed on 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets to drive action across the world.

The history of RAP in Europe

On November 7, the EuroRAP General Assembly took an historic step and unanimously voted for the dissolution of the EuroRAP entity. After 21 years of existence, the RAP programme in Europe is now being integrated into iRAP, the International Road Assessment Programme.

EuroRAP members have been instrumental in laying the foundation and inspiration for the Global Programme, which is now active in nearly 130 countries.

Today, with this integration, RAP partners across Europe will benefit from having a streamlined administration and a more productive use of donor and partner resources.

The integration does not affect how you can make use of the iRAP tools, methodology, and resources which are already in extensive use across the region. These will remain freely available, as they currently are worldwide, for the benefit of all in road safety. Most importantly, the integration leverages iRAP’s well-established organizational structure, shaped around innovation and development, programme support, and delivery of strategic projects.

The evolution of RAP in Europe

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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